QR Code Scanner

This service has been confirmed in the following environment by us.

Note that this information is for guidance only and does NOT guarantee performance.

Application OS Device Developer
(Ver. 1.6.0)
iOS 7 iPhone 5C Apple Inc.
iOS 7 iPhone 5S Apple Inc.
iOS 8 iPhone 6 Apple Inc.
iOS 8 iPhone 6Plus Apple Inc.
iOS 8 iPad Air Apple Inc.
(Ver. 5.1.2)
Android 4.4 Nexus7 (2013) Google Inc.
Android 4.1 J One HTL 22 HTC Corporation
Android 4.1 Ascend G510 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.
Android 4.4 G2 LG-D802 LG Electronics Inc.
Android 4.2 Galaxy Tab 3 10.1
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
Android 4.2 GALAXY S4 mini
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
Android 4.1 AQUOS PHONE
SHARP Corporation
Android 4.1 Xperia A SO-04E Sony Mobile Communications Inc.

※ "QRdeCODE" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

※ "QuickMark " is a registered trademark of SimpleAct Inc.

※ All company names and product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.

※ Please refer to your manual of the application you are using for details regarding how to shoot the linked QR Code